As ALL of you can see, I took December off from the Happiness Project, from a blogging perspective. It was supposed to be my "Body" focus month, but with year end at work, and the holidays, the only focus I had was attempting to get everything done in the run of 24 hours.
Alas, it is a new year, and am back on track. This month is being dedicated to my one and only FAMILY. My mom always used to say something to me, "at the end of the day, you're family is all you have, friends come and go." I always hated when she said this, because my friends are SO important to me...but as the years have gone on, she was right. I am barely in contact with those friends that I would have picked to hang out with over my family, and Jen, Mom and Dad are by far the 3 most important people to me in my life. Since I talk, on the phone, with my Mom about once a week, I have noticed that all my family information comes from her. So I have decided that this month, I am going to make a solid effort to call my DAD at least once a week. It doesn't have to be long conversations, but just to hear his voice, say hello, see what he's up to.
The Lemieux clan (my Mom's side) is a HUGE family, my mother is one of 14 children. My Dad also has a big family, he is one of 5 boys. With that comes SOOO many cousins I can't even describe the depth behind them. So many stories, so many family chains, and I barely know any of them. I have picked 4 family members, of distant relations, that I would like to get back in touch with. I have picked the following:
Ches Nadeau- CEO, Total Logistics
Ches is my Dad's cousin and he is a very successful business man. I feel like Ches is a great example of someone who is a bit of a rags to riches story. I could learn a lot from him, and I want to surround myself with people like that.
Tracy & Kevin Harriman- Cousins of my Dad
Tracey and Kevin were two of the cousins I looked up to the most when growing up. They were just so COOL to me. Kevin had the coolest room with dark walls and stars and planets that would glow in the dark everywhere. He was also such an amazing soccer player and I loved watching his games. I play soccer to this day, I think he would be impressed.
Tracey was so smart, and beautiful and she rowed crew which was SO cool and something I never did and I was so wishing that that had been something I had gotten in to. Their house in Hamilton, Ontario was so beautiful, this huge old brick home on such an old gorgeous street. We had the best Nadeau family parties there. Kevin and Tracey are both all grown up now, with families of their own, and I miss the connection to them. I think I could still learn a lot from them and grow.
Ashlie McCullough- My 2nd cousin, through my Mom's brother's daughter.
Ashlie is a few years younger than me, she is currently in her last year of University so we are fairly close in stages in our lives. Ashlie has tried to reach out to me several times throughout the past decade and i've always just kind of pushed it to the size. I think I could really help mentor Ashlie, and hopefully guide her through some of the wrong paths i've gone down. I am 100% someone who learns things the hard way. Always wants to make the wrong choice, opposite of what everyone told me, so that I would know I made the right choice when I finally went the OTHER way. Anyways...I think I could hopefully be someone that Ashlie bounces ideas off, and instead of telling her WHAT to do, try to guide her through my experiences.
Last but not least, my cousin Deanne (of Deanne and Leanne) here in Calgary!
I have this extended family right here in Calgary and I never spend any time with them! When my parents were here to visit they were nice enough to come to my birthday dinner, and bring me a bottle of wine, and I never really visit them. I just need to put in more effort there....because it's just not right.
So this is my month, dedicated to being nicer to my family, being in better contact, and showing my appreciation for them more. :) Because I really am blessed to have one of the most supportive, understanding, and best families in the ENTIRE world...and they need to know that above and beyond everything else, the are the most important thing to me on this planet.
Melissa, a very proud, Nadeau
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